Services List

Testing of Isolating Valves and Flow Switches
FSI provides annual testing for these elements. Flow switches indicate which part of the building has a fire so firefighters can quickly locate it. Isolating valves can be shut to enable repairs and maintenance of the fire sprinkler pipework. It is a requirement of NZS 4541 that these are testing routinely.
Hydrant Flow Testing
FSI has the staff and calibrated equipment to conduct multiple hydrant tests to confirm the performance of the hydrant main for use as a fire fighting water supply or as a source of water for a fire sprinkler system.

Backflow Prevention
FSI provides backflow prevention testing annual as required, or in conjunction with the fire sprinkler inspection, to prevent water supply contamination where fire sprinkler systems are connected to portable supplies.
Inspection and testing of Special Hazard Systems
We inspect and test of Special Hazard Systems including Gas flood, deluge, water mist and tail end systems.

Supply of Inspection and Test Books
We also Supply of Inspection and Test Books Annual Fire Alarm Survey Book, Part 1 & 2 Bi-Annual Diesel Log Book Monthly Alarm Test Book Monthly Sprinkler Test Book
Inspection of New Sprinkler Systems
New fire sprinkler installations work in conjunction with your approved fire sprinkler contractor to inspect and test the new installation. This ensures compliance with the respective NZ Standard and the Building Consent.